About Me...AnnieC

I am a liberal, original thinker. I am goal oriented. Blogging, for me is intended to be a way to document my trials, triumphs, and other special facets of my journey so that I will have a record of what I've learned. However, this blog does not focus on all facets of me, but rather the more dark aspects.

I am 4'11" and look up to everyone, literally and figuratively.

I am a happy person who loves her complex, interesting, simple little life.

I am a seeker of knowledge, wisdom, and light. People interest and fascinate me, but I don't always know the right ways to interact or communicate as I am an introvert. I take my life seriously so most people see the serious side, but when I get stir crazy I am giddy and silly. I have a dry sense of humor that takes most people years to understand.

I am super sensitive, emotional, often kind and trying so hard to do my bit to make the world a better place.

I love to read, make cards, design collage art, write, and research. I am an excellent public speaker...but alas, still looking for the talent that will help me "make my mark" in this world.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Ichiban? A lovely Japanese word that expains a depth I will never know. I have come to the conclusion that I will never be number one at anything. I have no talent. I am perhaps slightly below average in every aspect of my life from looks to intelligence to ability. I feel am doomed to live an unfillfilled, unhappy life. My situation of inability leads me to hope that I will not be a force in this life much longer. I always believed (until recently) that I could make a difference, maybe not world-wide, but at least in my community. Working two jobs makes me feel as if I have no soul. I am exhausted to the point of numbness. Every attempt I have made to make a life better for myself and my loved ones has failed. I have a desire to change but I am stuck in a connundrum.....I just don't know how to. The methods and mechanisms I've tried have not worked. Instead, I am left with two degrees that don't help me build a stable financial future and a mountain of debt I can' afford. I just want it all to end. I seem incapable of being happy (and this is not mere depression talking....it is me facing reality) -- somewhere in the recesses of my being I don't make choices that are amenable to any type of success. My life is one of gross mediocrity. I have read a lot of articles on -line and in terms of progression, many feel that being average is okay. As an adult, mediocrity is not welcome in any realm. It seems that when one is below average at this stage of life one becomes an outcast. In terms of who I am, I would be okay with medocrity if I were happy. My life is just a struggle overall, and I am not having fun. My reality definitely bites....

1 comment:

Dinah said...

I felt somewhat like you do for a long time in my life. Then I identified those words / thoughts as a desperate cry from deep within for something real, something genuine, authentic. God created us with eternity in our hearts - part of us is connected with greatness from old, which yearns to be connected with greatness in eternity forward. God created us that way so that we would find ourselves in the place you describe, and find our way to Him. The significance you seek is abundantly available in relationship with God through Christ Jesus. Contact me if you want to discuss how to get right with God. God loves you and has plans for your life that can exceed your definition of joy.