About Me...AnnieC

I am a liberal, original thinker. I am goal oriented. Blogging, for me is intended to be a way to document my trials, triumphs, and other special facets of my journey so that I will have a record of what I've learned. However, this blog does not focus on all facets of me, but rather the more dark aspects.

I am 4'11" and look up to everyone, literally and figuratively.

I am a happy person who loves her complex, interesting, simple little life.

I am a seeker of knowledge, wisdom, and light. People interest and fascinate me, but I don't always know the right ways to interact or communicate as I am an introvert. I take my life seriously so most people see the serious side, but when I get stir crazy I am giddy and silly. I have a dry sense of humor that takes most people years to understand.

I am super sensitive, emotional, often kind and trying so hard to do my bit to make the world a better place.

I love to read, make cards, design collage art, write, and research. I am an excellent public speaker...but alas, still looking for the talent that will help me "make my mark" in this world.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Let her cry...

"Let her cry, if the tears fall down like rain;Let her sing, if it eases all her pain; Let her go, let her walk right out on me ...And if the sun comes up tomorrow -- Let her be, let her be."

Some words in this song typify the beauty of my romance. My Partner has the maturity and wisdom to let me be when I need moments to find clarity, to encompass things that hit me on a emotional level that makes me wistful...I think the ability to experience every facet of my life on every sensual level possible is amazing. I guess that is why I find it easier to let him in to my life and KNOW every facet of me as a being. Usually, even admist the trials and frustrations of my life I can always find the sun on the horizon....